Thursday, July 22, 2010


Shall I make an effort with grammar this eve? I shall not!

What did I do today? Busy, busy. LOL, not really.

Got up early, thanks to baby! Went to Target at 8 am! :) Dropped off Belle @ her grandparents house (she wanted to go there and they wanted to see her). Went to floral connection, bought some stuff. Went to JoAnn Fabrics. Bought some stuff. Came home. Sat outside for a looong time in the nice, warm breeze with B.Will and pushed him in his swing. I LOVE SUMMER!

Went to chiro, had B.Will adjusted. He's been turning into Lucifer over the past three days so I knew something was up. He's returned to his angelic self and been sleeping every since we got home. If you have a baby and DON'T go to the chiro, you are missing out. Kind of like when I "didn't use to like margaritas."

Went to take some newborn pics. Ahhhh, I want another! Then, some friends from high school brought little 2 year old Nolan out for pics. He was so cute!

Now, I'm holding my nite-nite baby bird. He's so sweet post-chiro! I'm sure he'll be up at midnight wanting to play and crawl everywhere. :)

Anyone have any scoop? I feel like I have no scoop since I've been home all week!

Mucho love!
Ann :)

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