Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 7 - Photo of Happiness

I have 22,000 photos of my rug rats :) Still in RAW format. I WILL get them into jpeg this winter...and get caught up (yeah right!)... No, seriously, they do make me happy BUT I have so, so, so many, I could never choose JUST ONE!?

In all seriousness, I am going to post a photo that makes me swoon with love. You may think it's lame, boring, etc...I don't know. I ADORE IT. I took it yesterday at an extremely lovely and wonderful wedding.

Why do I love thee??

I have always noticed, loved and appreciated the little details of weddings. And I have always TRIED to capture them to no avail with my sporty lil' G9 (lol). I'm soooooo, sooooooo, soooooooo HAPPY I have the training and equipment to do take photos EXACTLY. LIKE. THIS:

I am also happy I finally got the bride's rings to balance in there. Thank you, rings!

I spent lots of years at a desk, feeling like I should be somewhere else doing something much more fabulous than accounting...something kinda artsy-ish that people actually gave a damn about.

1 comment:

Z said...

Balance? Why do they have to balance? You just need a tiny bit of poster putty.