Friday, February 6, 2009

Weekend Scoop

Hooooola! So tonight we all (including Kurt's parents) went to the Home Show. It was good...if you're into that sort of thing. It was fun to see the display Kurt and his co-workers made. I made fake friends with the electric fence people (I was just quizzing them), and I made real friends with the Cherrywood Cabinet people. I'm seriously going to call that cat after the big move! I was el sicko so my patience wore thin after 2.5 hours of random meandering. Oops :)

We then went to Blue Cat. The Cranberry Ale was deliciouso but I was heartbroken to see the once to-die-for veggie burger is now a Boca burger. Ew. I have like twelve of them in my freezer right now. It was still okay, though :)

Tomorrow I have to make the ultimate yoga resurection! The "headache/sore throat/man's voice virus" has had Belle and I down all week. Tomorrow, I need to do Vin III and I get my awesomely awesome Thai Yoga Massage from Kelly. Yay! Tomorrow night, me & my groom are going to Best Buy to look at camera cases for the SLR.

Finally, Sunday is Ashtanga at the shala. Gonna be a rough one!! Double yikes!

Shanti y'all!!

Ann :) :)


BG said...

Glad you're showing up for the 'photo shoot', Ann. I was hoping peeps would show for the Sat. (Vinyasa III) class, not just the Sun. (Primary Series) class. I KNOW Sunday is going to be packed! Feel sorry for the photographer having to weave among 20+ sweaty ashtangis! Should be awesome for all of us tho...I'm ready for a good ass-whoopin'! AND....I'm sure I will get it.

Z said...

Excellent... I'm wondering what strangeness will be visited upon us in the V3 class. Adventure Awaits!

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear you had to roll sick to the Home Show! I would probably love to go, after building our house I really do love looking at things you can do to your home. Will have to check these cabinet people out that you loved. (not that we need new cabinets, but a girl can dream...) :)

BEYOND sad at the veggie burger!!! Was it like that for our RD, or no? That was one awesome black bean patty. It's sad that it is now something you can just buy at the store and make at home. *broken heart*

Have a great time at yoga this w/e, and can't wait to hear about your massage!!! :)
