Monday, September 7, 2009

Rockin' the Pack

Well I ALWAYS do what I say I'm going to do (haha...yeah right!) so it should come as no surprise that I spent all of labor day packin' it up! No, seriously, I did this. All effin' day. Yay!

I hit the garage first. I had a huuuuuge pile of boxes and totes in there from when my mom moved a couple months ago and decided to give me all my junk back from when I graduated college, moved away and stashed it at her house. Then she also gave me all of Belle's toys she had bought her since she was a baby til now. My mom has spent ungodly amounts of cash on the only grandchild so you can only imagine that massive amounts of stuff involved. Insane.

The husband left me his beloved truck *rolls eyes* for the extravaganza while he went to help his parents at the farm. Belle's stuff was relatively easy to go through considering I threw it all away. This may sound harsh but do know that my mom smokes. A lot. A lot more than most people. I do not. She's not really keen on cleaning either and much of this stuff has been sitting in her extra bedrooms untouched for years so it had a weird filmy stuff on it. Nasty. It all reeeeeeeked like smoke. Belle's not even able to go over there anymore because she started smoking in the house again. Eeeeeew! There were a ton of childrens books I thought I might be able to salvage by cleaning the covers but changed my mind after flipping through the pages and smelling them. Ugh!!!! I can't believe I used to smoke in high school considering how much I hate the smell on things now. I sure loved it at the time, though. Haha.

Just Belle's stuff filled up the entire truck. As we went to drop it off at the farm, Belle accused me of burning her childhood along with her heart. Lol. She is not deprived at home by any means so she didn't need ANY of this stuff and it was too icky/smokey to even wash up and donate.

We got back home and I hit the storage room and my closet hardcore for the rest of the day. I filled up a huge box of shoes for Goodwill and stuffed a humongous 39 gallon trash sack of clothing donations. I put tons of photo albums into totes and packed almost all of my shoes, jeans, sweatshirts, work clothes, etc. God knows I won't be able to fit into any of the clothing until long after we move anyway so its working out good to get these things packed way in advance. I literally laughed when I packed my belts, as they more resemble hair ties to me now than something that could actually fit around my "waist."

I filled up another random truckload of stuff to ditch and mosied back out to the farm for another bonfire.

How exciting was that labor day?! Probably about as much fun as you had reading this post. It sucked big time (again, like this post)!

Through the suckiness though, its awesome to make progress!! Trust me, it was touch and go for while. Around lunchtime, I decided Belle and I should lunch at Noodles and hit the mall to check out new dishes. It was soooooo hard to resist! I stayed strong though and decided it will surely be a Noddles take out night tomorrow :)

Hope everyone else's labor days surpassed mine in funness!!

Ann :)

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