Wednesday, December 10, 2008

New J.O.B. / Check It

Started my new J. to the O. to the B. today. No, I didn't quit Deere to "work" on watching more episodes of Golden Girls or Design on a Dime (my dream job, hello). I moved from Ag Customer Support doing budgets, forecasts and chargeouts to the Product Line Reporting department doing...hmmm...I have no clue yet! Well, it's actually the North American Ag forecast by product line. For all of you non-accountants, I know this sounds super exciting! Gotta love accounting!

It's sooooooooooooo TRAUMATIC to go from a job where you know everything to one you know nothing...literally. Ha! Luckily, the chica training me is really nice so I don't feel like too much of an idiot YET. Yay.
Then I went to yoga at Tapas! Go there, people (the site, then the shala). They uploaded (? - I am so IT-illiterate) a new website so def check it.
Tomorrow I'm going to my first Thursday Mark class. I have to make up for skipping on Tuesday due to the inclimate weather. I wouldn't mind scoping the shala's Vin I but not thinking that will fly for closing week to leave at 3:45!
I hate to admit this is all I got!!! Quiet today, I KNOW!!! :)
Ann :)


jen721 said...

FYI - Mark's class is cancelled. He is sick :(

Ann said...

Thanks, Jen! God, everyone is sick lately. :(