Sunday, December 21, 2008

Yoga Quotes of the Day + What I've Been Doing!

Good Lord, J.C., etc.. (sorry, Clarice). Who thought Vinyasa III yesterday was a good idea? Yikes! I will start (lovingly) calling it Classfromhell III. During the hell, there were some funny quotes mentioned.

"I didn't feel any breathing..." -Evan. "That's because I can only do one thing at a time, panic or breathe." -Kathy (Evan's mom) on backbending/breathing at the same time.

"That's quotastic!" -Kelly in reference to the above.

"Ummm, this does not feel 'cute'." -Me on Chakra Bandhasana. Followed by "hahaha." -the other Kathy (not a good sign). I looked up this pose and it means 'binding wheel'. This girl doing it? Great. The FEELING of me doing it? Lovely... Just effin' adorable...NOT! Note: I couldn't quite reach my ankles! Maybe next week...

"Seriously." (Between gasps and lingering on the verge of death) -Me after Tolasana. The good news is that I actually held that damnable thing for 10 count! OMG!!! Before I have only made it to count 4 before taking a 1-count rest, going up 2 counts, down 1, up 2...does that even add up to 10?? I can assure you it's not 11. No one goes the extra mile in tolasana. The bad news is that I don't ever want to do that pose again b/c my arms are totally sore! Ha! When I first started taking Intro to Ashtanga in September, I seriously thought my arms just were not long enough to ever do this pose. Weird.

"'O.M.F.G...'" -Evan who was apparently reading my mind at some point during the class.

"Just keep doing it... It will get looser." LOL!!!!!!!! -Evan commenting on me trying to sit up straight after I got my leg behind my head. Yay for the leg. Definitely no yay for sitting up straight. Yikes. This quote is really the story of our lives at el shala. (Bill, I know what you're thinking. Ew.)
E&K reminded me of Madonna doing yoga so here is the yoga queen herself doing the leg thing. ::cues "Like A Prayer"::

For some reason, below is my most despised yoga pose. I'm not really sure why because it's pretty easy. Conveniently, I was dying of thirst at that exact time yesterday so I went to get a drink! Hah!
WELCOME TO: Ann's Blog Hiatus Recap (a.k.a. What I've Been Doing)

Since Tuesday, I've been on a blog hiatus. Trust me, I'm fairly pissy about it.

Excuse #1: Jobby Job
So while a new job sounded like a good idea, I now remember that I HATE having a new job and not knowing what I'm doing. This means way longer hours, way more tiredness and feelings of ickyness and way more SWOB cafeteria food (gross!!).

Excuse #2: "Ho Ho F'g Ho." -Jeff C.
WHY OH WHY OH WHY OH WHY do I procrastinate the shopping every single year. Why oh why oh why. Year after year after year. Granted, I do like the energy and Christmas spirit to an extent (e.g. shopping with holly and weird wreaths hanging every which way but loose) but seriously it's the fact I'm so behind on every little gift. I could have bought tons of this stuff in advance!!

Excuse #3: The Arctic Tundra/Barren Wasteland
Pardon my francais, but this weather is for the f'g birds. Penguins, specifically. I mean this just flat-out SUCKS. Yoga was cancelled TWICE this week since it was raining ice and no one (including me) could/should get there. The icing/snowing is totally delaying all of my ho ho f'g ho'ing, which just makes the Xmas prize shopping that much more painful every day it's delayed due to weather. It takes hours on end to get to or from work. My pant legs always have salt lines at the bottoms, etc. etc. etc.

OMG, I do have some good news. In anticipation of our awesomely awesome Jamaica trip that will ensue come Feb 16, I say with great joy that I tell you all that I look AWESOME in my bikinis!!!!!! Fabulous, really!!! AS long as I'm wearing a baggy sweatshirt and Old Navy flannel pj pants OVER THEM! So I lied, this is actually BAD, TRAGIC NEWS! Sister needs a serious tan (spray, of course) and a few less SWOB curly fries/Reese's Christmas Trees (genius, pure genius, those things). Bill assures me that while not in closing week, we lunch outside of the cafe...and I only have one Reese's tree left. Thank God, mon!!!


K said...

I think Evan and I would both agree, Purvottanasana is the worst. Not sure if you noticed or not, oh yeah, you were "getting a drink" but Evan thinks it a nice idea to step on my stomach during this pose. He's so going to get it!

Z said...

You will be happy to know that my wife reports that the Reese's Peanut Butter Christmas Trees aren't available anywhere that we shop. I suspect that they were all snapped up sometime in early November.